Brian Carnahan

Brian Carnahan
I am riding 200 km to fight kids' cancer and save little lives. Please sponsor me to support my challenge!
I've Ridden 0.0 km ? My goal is 200 km
My Rankings
  • National: N/A
  • Province: N/A in ON
I've raised $0 My goal is $1,000 Donate Now

My Story

25 Jul 2024

As the sun rises on another year, we find ourselves at the starting line of yet another Great Cycle Challenge. This marks my fifth year of participation in this noble cause, a tradition that has become a beacon of hope in my life every August. This year, I am committed to cycling 200 kilometers, all in the name of battling the monstrous disease that is childhood cancer.

Cancer, a word that has left a mark on each of our lives in some way or another. I stand firm in the belief that no one should face this battle alone. At this very moment, over 1,700 children are diagnosed with cancer annually, making it the leading cause of death from disease among children in Canada.

Children should be embracing the joys of life, not wrestling with the fear of death.

Through this challenge, I am raising funds to support these brave young souls and aid the SickKids Foundation in their relentless pursuit of developing effective treatments and ultimately, finding a cure for childhood cancer.

I implore you to support me in this endeavor by making a donation. Let’s gift these children the bright and promising futures they so rightfully deserve.

Your contribution has the power to transform lives.

Here’s to hope, courage, and the indomitable human spirit. Cheers!

My Legacy

Here's my personal impact over 5 years to fight kids' cancer and save little lives.
  • 202 km Ridden
    $502 Raised
  • 268 km Ridden
    $614 Raised
  • 79 km Ridden
    $833 Raised
  • 102 km Ridden
    $1,030 Raised
651 km
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