Meet Nori

Nori is a kind and caring 9-year-old who loves gymnastics, drumming and art.

Nori's cancer journey began in January 2021, when she experienced unusual and sharp pain in her back. As the pain persisted, she was admitted to hospital and doctors ran tests for several days.

Her family then received the devastating news. Nori was diagnosed with stage 4 Neuroblastoma.

She was immediately admitted to the SickKids Oncology department and began her first cycle of chemotherapy just a few days later.

In the following months, Nori underwent major surgery to remove her tumour, and she endured bone marrow transplants, scans, radiation, and immunotherapy. Finally, in the summer of 2022, Nori completed her final day of scheduled treatments. 

The final step was surgery to remove her Central Venous Line (CVL), but prior to the surgery, a routine scan in September showed signs that Nori’s cancer could be returning. 

A follow-up scan and MRI confirmed the family's worst fears... Nori's cancer had returned.

Despite the relapse, Nori remained so brave throughout the process. She underwent two cycles of chemo between January and February 2023. 

Nori's spirit remained high throughout her treatment, which is a testament to her incredible strength and resilience. 

Finally, good news came in March 2023, when Nori's follow-up scan showed potentially positive results of her cancer shrinking. While there is still a long road ahead, the fact that the cancer is not growing or spreading is a great relief to her family as they focus on the next phase of her journey.

“I can’t emphasize enough how lucky we are to have such a special world-class hospital in Toronto filled with the best health practitioners not just in their skills but in their empathy and thoughtfulness,” her mother told us.

Nori, you're one tough little lady.  This August, we're riding for YOU and all the brave kids fighting cancer across Canada!