Alex Harvey

Alex Harvey
I am riding 50 km in memory of Brent Blue (Godfather) and Bill Gordon (Uncle). Please sponsor me and support my challenge to fight kids' cancer and save little lives.
I've Ridden 0.0 km ? My goal is 50 km
My Rankings
  • National: N/A
  • Province: N/A in ON
I've raised $0 My goal is $100 Donate Now

I'm Riding For

Brent Blue (Godfather) and Bill Gordon (Uncle)

My Story

31 Aug 2023

This August, I am taking part in the Great Cycle Challenge to fight cancer!

I have fortunate members of my family, like my father, that have benefited from cancer research and new developments in treatments so that they were able to beat it. I couldn't begin to explain how happy I am that he is cancer free.

Sadly cancer has also taken several of my close family members who meant a lot to me throughout my life. I wish they could still be here but they were not as fortunate. I'm hoping some day cancer research will bring us to a point where these kinds of tragedies never have to happen.

This challenge focuses on fighting kids' cancer. I am fortunate to not know any children struggling with this but I know how awful that must be. It is hard to imagine how hard life would be with cancer at an early age so I would like to try and help fund-raise as best as I can.

This will be my first time doing a ride challenge so I am hoping it is a success. At the end of the challenge I aim to donate another $1.00 for each kilometer I ride. I still consider myself a novice bicyclist but I aim to surpass that ride goal nonetheless.

If you can donate please do. If you cannot then please cheer me and everyone doing this challenge on for that extra bit of motivation to hit our goals.

Your support can change lives.

Thank you.

My Legacy

Here's my personal impact over 2 years to fight kids' cancer and save little lives.
  • 155 km Ridden
    $2,020 Raised
155 km
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