• One more day for me
    28 Aug 2024

    28 km left out of 600 km pledged and I plan to finish it tomorrow evening.

    What a great cause 🙏

    Posted 20 days ago
  • Another sunny morning
    25 Aug 2024

    As the countdown approaches to the last week of the Great Cycle Challenge, I have made a new best friend. Even with all of the stretching after a nice bike ride, nothing beats the handheld massager to soothe my sore muscles.😂

    Another sunny morning
    Posted 23 days ago
  • Blue skies
    24 Aug 2024

    In the final stretch of the great cycle challenge looking forward to finishing off the goal of 600 km. I have about 180 km left and hopefully we can get a big dent into that mileage today and over the weekend.

    I want to thank everyone for their continued support, including the donations that they have made to this worthy cause.

    Blue skies
    Posted 24 days ago
  • Longest ride so far
    18 Aug 2024

    Over the course of the day I was able to complete 60 km. My ride was 40 km in the morning and then it was interrupted by torrential downfall of rain between 1 PM and 4 PM. In the evening, I was able to complete another 20 km. It is very important to stretch afterwards which helps with recovery and to prevent injury. The forecast calls for more rain tomorrow, so I’m not sure how much I will be able to do.

    I did treat myself to some chocolate 😂

    Longest ride so far
    Posted 30 days ago
  • Heartfelt gratitude
    17 Aug 2024

    I want to take this opportunity halfway through the month and the great cycling challenge to thank everyone who has already donated and made contribution to this worthy cause to help children fighting cancer. I also want to thank all of you for your well wishes and words of encouragement, which will keep me going for the next two weeks as I try to complete another 300 km.

    Today is my first weekend post call in the hospital. As you can imagine with long days of working, there is only so much time left after work to do your daily duties and other activities such as exercise and cycling. As such I am planning on covering a lot more mileage than I do in a typical day. Thankfully, there are many friends and supporters living in my community and I can drop by for some water and snacks which I’m very grateful and appreciative of.

    We have been doing some gardening in the backyard and it’s great to start the day off with a nutritious breakfast. Today I was able to have some eggs with tomatoes and cheese and a small piece of bread.

    Heartfelt gratitude
    Posted 31 days ago
  • My Jersey has super powers
    14 Aug 2024

    I arrived home this evening to find that my Great Cycle Challenge Jersey had arrived in the mail. I was very excited to try it on and put it to use. And I think this jersey has super powers because I covered my biking distance today in record time with a steady pace throughout the entire ride.

    I’m really hopeful that people will take advantage of making donations to this fundraising particularly tomorrow on Wednesday, August 14 when any donations made will be matched. Furthermore, donations will receive a tax receipt.

    There have been amazing breakthroughs in cancer research and treatments, including immunotherapies and targeted therapies. We have so much to learn still, it is humbling, but our patients and in particular children who have cancer inspire all of us working in the field of cancer and healthcare to do better.

    Please consider donating to this worthy cause and sharing about this opportunity with others. I thank you straight from my heart.❤️

    My Jersey has super powers
    Posted 34 days ago
  • Beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon
    11 Aug 2024

    I finished my day of call in the hospital early today, and I’m not carrying the pager this evening, so I had the opportunity to be blessed with a family dinner. Never a dull moment 😂 with dinner conversation.

    Because of all the extra cycling this month, my palms, buttocks and legs have been aching more so than normal. However, I have learned that doing regular stretching really helps. I purchased some padded gloves and padded biking shorts online for a good deal as there are still 20 days or so to go for the Great Cycle Challenge.

    Beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon
    Posted 36 days ago
  • Evening bike ride
    10 Aug 2024

    I just got home from a long day at work. Today I started my week of on-call duties in the hospital where we round on patients admitted to the oncology ward. Unfortunately, many people get sick because of complications from their cancer or sometimes because of the side effects from their treatments. When I left home this morning, I thought I was going get home at a reasonable time, and get a good long bike ride in. However today many of my patients were quite unwell. My patients always come first and I didn’t get home until after dinner time when the sun had already set. It is a privilege to take care of people and I really enjoy my job and find it rewarding. It’s been a long day but I am committed to the Great Cycle Challenge and as such I know that slow and steady wins the race and I’ve got to make up some mileage tonight and put the pedal to the metal.

    Evening bike ride
    Posted 38 days ago
  • After work bike ride
    8 Aug 2024

    I wanted to thank everyone for their generous contributions to the great cycle challenge. I finished my clinic early today and so I came home and had a nice tasty leftover salad. It’s nice and sunny outside, but not too hot with a gentle breeze and so it’s perfect weather for cycling. I have a lot of distance to cover in the next three weeks and your words of encouragement and support. Keep me going. 🙏

    After work bike ride
    Posted 39 days ago
  • Rainy morning
    6 Aug 2024

    They say the early bird catches the worm rain or shine. What a rainy morning to go cycling. Great way to start the day though. I have my bright outfit on and my helmet. I just recently completed 100 km and I’m hoping the next hundred will get even easier.

    Rainy morning
    Posted 42 days ago