• Need a motivation ?
    8 Aug 2024

    Today I had a conversation with a cousin who lost a leg due to diabetes . It broke my heart to think about the struggles he has to conquer to just live a normal life.

    In that moment I realized how easily a day can go by where I had “ other things to do” that kept me from walking , riding or swimming and I recognized it as a bad habit trap.

    Once you give in to the excuse it becomes a regular bad habit.

    Today I decided to make my daily motto:

    Just do ONE thing today

    No matter how small

    But start a daily habit of doing some kind of activity.

    Break it up into manageable portions.

    Walk just 10 mins 3x pd or ride just 2km every day. The proud feeling once you did it is so worth it !

    And at the end of the week, you add it up and feel accomplished.

    One day at a time .

    Need a motivation ?
    Posted 40 days ago