• GCC…Day 15!
    16 Aug 2024

    The weather is sure in our favor!😎 Loaded up on coffee…loaded up the bike…and off to the dikes to ride. Meeting wonderful people along the way who chatted about and encouraged our ride.🐶

    As always, Bernie crossed the start line at my side…it wouldn’t be an adventure without her at the START line and crossing the FINISH line with me.🐶🐾

    Meeting smiling people along the way is worth stopping for…❤️ Ken and his dog Phoenix, know first hand how hard it is to lose someone to cancer. Ken’s words, “how can I get involved”?? was so wonderful to hear!🥰🚲 We are in this ride…TOGETHER!

    Some more nice ppl to chat with, received lots of cheers and encouragement and more awesome donations from Thomas and a match donation from the Goddard family.❤️

    Each smile on the kids faces, each donation, each encouraging word or cheer…it motivates me to peddle farther and faster…

    Well…except when I stopped to pet the dogs, watch a coyote, look for a bear or chat and make a new friend.🚲❤️ 🤣👍🏻🚲

    No matter what our battles are, we need to keep fighting for each other, keep smiling…and keep cheering for each other!

    Kicking cancers butt!!❤️🚲🥰

    GCC…Day 15!
    Posted 45 days ago
  • Day 14!
    15 Aug 2024

    No excuses! ❤️ Get up…get out the door…and keep moving to support these kids and their families as they battle cancer. It takes a village…it takes all of us!

    Todays ride was brightened when another GCC’er stopped to meet and share her story. 😃❤️🚲 How fun to meet Alyssa, and to encourage each other. Knowing we are riding together, in different ways and for different reasons…we are doing this amazing challenge for these kids…TOGETHER!🥰❤️🚲

    Day 14!
    Posted 46 days ago
  • Day 13!
    15 Aug 2024

    Home from a busy day and out the door with the bike! These kids inspire me to get moving for them…and to smile while I do it! 😃👍🏻🚲

    Day 13!
    Posted 46 days ago
  • DAY 12!
    13 Aug 2024

    Back at it…🚲🚲🚲 These kids don’t get a break from fighting cancer, so we need to keep peddling for them and keep raising money to find a cure! We just never know which dollar is going to be the one that funds that breakthrough.🥰❤️ Keep peddling…keep peddling…keep peddling…🚲❤️

    DAY 12!
    Posted 48 days ago
  • DAY 11!
    13 Aug 2024

    No bike peddling today…mom said someone pooped in her nest egg.

    Ummm…wait…I’ve just been corrected.

    “Mom sed she was POOPED and needed a REST DAY!”.🤣🤣🤣 Is this how rumors get started???🤪

    DAY 11!
    Posted 48 days ago
  • Day 10!! The kids keep me going…🥰🚲
    11 Aug 2024

    Day 10…plans changed and we had to adjust our sails. All good…set up the stationary bike stand and we were off to the races. The bike races, that is.🤣🚲👍🏻

    This bike seat is a jerk! It could be agreeable and comfortable but continues to be user unfriendly.😟🤣🚲 But…we’re not going to let that stop us! Grumbling and groaning, it’s small potatoes…small bike seats?🤨🤔🤷‍♀️, compared to what these kids are dealing with in their battles against cancer. With smiles on their faces!😃❤️

    Bike helmets off to them and all their family members…we are here for you!❤️🚲❤️🚲❤️🚲

    Day 10!! The kids keep me going…🥰🚲
    Posted 50 days ago
  • Day 9! It’s a hot one…
    10 Aug 2024

    Day 9 and 32* when I finally got time to get on that bike. Ouch! Yowch! Groan! Stationary bike riding today…I actually turned the bike in the opposite direction today, so I could look at something different, during my “ride”.

    That got me thinking about the “views” these kids have, from their hospital beds, or during tests, or walking the halls of the hospitals when they can’t be outside playing when they should be able to. We have to find a cure to kick kids cancer in the big ole butt…we just HAVE to! Doing it for the kids…lets keep going!❤️🚲❤️🚲❤️🚲

    Day 9! It’s a hot one…
    Posted 51 days ago
  • Day 8! Happy trails…🤔 …hmmm…happy dikes!🤣🚲
    10 Aug 2024

    Day 8! We’re doing it…off to the dikes while Bernie and dad go to the dog park for a swim. Maybe some “fishing”.

    Another hot day but in comparison with the battle these kids are fighting, it’s nothing. ❤️

    Were letting these kids know that the world cares about them. 😃🚲👍🏻 Met a wonderful Walker named Pam, who I’ve dubbed “Happy Pam” because she is exactly that. A shared picture and some encouragement from her, for me to keep peddling, and I was off again. It takes a village…❤️🚲❤️🚲❤️🚲❤️🚲❤️

    Day 8! Happy trails…🤔 …hmmm…happy dikes!🤣🚲
    Posted 51 days ago
  • Day 7!
    8 Aug 2024

    Huff! Puff! Too hot to take Bernie to the dike, by time I got home, and my support crew already had my stationary bike stand set up in the yard, so I could peddle for the kids, right here at home.

    I had to dig deep to keep the legs moving today, so I thought about the Nolan’s and Iris’s and all the other kids who smile their way through their procedures, tests and keep fighting!❤️ These kids motivate me to …KEEP…PEDDLING! 🥰🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲

    Day 7!
    Posted 53 days ago
  • DAY 6!
    8 Aug 2024

    Another dike ride on a beautiful day.😎🚲❤️ Peddling my heart out for these kids. All the other riders are smiling back at me as I pass by…I have to wonder if their bike seats are as unfriendly as mine is.🤣🤣 And if they are also telling themselves that it’s a small price to pay when we’re doing it for the kids.🥰❤️👍🏻🚲

    Let’s find a cure and stop kids cancer in its tracks!❤️

    DAY 6!
    Posted 53 days ago