• A Heartfelt Thanks and a New Challenge
    15 Aug 2024

    I'm thrilled to share some exciting news: thanks to the incredible support from my sponsors, colleagues, friends, and family, I’ve surpassed my fundraising goal for the Great Cycle Challenge! Initially, my goal was to ride 100 km, but with the outpouring of support and encouragement, I’ve decided to double that and aim for 200 km. And the challenge isn’t over—I’ll keep riding through the end of August!

    I want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who has supported me during this challenge. Your generosity and belief in this cause mean the world to me.

    I want to give a special shoutout to Michael S. and Centennial Plumbing, Heating & Electrical, Darryl S., and my employer, POLR Enterprises / Nu-West Construction Products, for their incredibly generous donations. Your contributions have made a significant impact.

    A special thank you to Steven S., who braved the 5am chill on August 10th to ride alongside me—your company made those early morning kilometers so much easier. And to my wife, Joyce, for coming to my rescue on the side of a dirt road when my legs turned into mashed potatoes, I couldn’t do this without your unwavering support.

    While I’ve hit my fundraising goal, the fight against childhood cancer isn’t over. My fundraising page will remain active until the end of the month, and donations are still welcome.

    Once again, thank you all for your support. Together, we’re making a difference.

    With great hope and gratitude,


    A Heartfelt Thanks and a New Challenge
    Posted 44 days ago
  • Ready to Ride: 100km for Childhood Cancer
    7 Aug 2024

    Hello everyone,

    I am thrilled to let you know that my preparations are complete, and I am ready to take on the 100km ride this weekend as part of the Great Cycle Challenge. This ride is not just a test of endurance for me; it is a heartfelt mission to support the fight against childhood cancer.

    My chosen route will take me from Saskatoon to the Round Prairie Métis Cemetery and back. This journey is significant not only for the distance but also as a tribute to the early settlers of Saskatchewan. Their struggles and sacrifices paved the way for families like mine to immigrate and settle in this beautiful country. Honoring their legacy gives me even more motivation to complete this ride.

    I am riding to raise $500 for childhood cancer research, a cause that is deeply important to me. The funds we raise will support critical research that could lead to breakthroughs in treatments and, ultimately, a cure.

    I invite you all to join me in this mission. Your support can make a real difference. Please share my fundraising campaign with your friends, family, and social networks. Every donation, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to a future where no child has to suffer from cancer.

    Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. Together, we can make a difference.

    Wishing you all the best of health,


    Ready to Ride: 100km for Childhood Cancer
    Posted 52 days ago
  • Hello Everyone!
    19 Jul 2024

    Hello everyone,

    My name is Kenneth, and I am a 39-year-old father of one, recently settled in the beautiful country of Canada. Cycling has always been a passion of mine, not only as a fantastic way to stay fit but also as a way to explore and enjoy the outdoors.

    This year, I am thrilled to be returning to the Great Cycle Challenge to support the fight against childhood cancer. This cause is close to my heart, as I believe that through our collective efforts, we can help pave the way for future generations to live cancer-free lives.

    I invite you to join me on this journey, whether by donating, spreading the word, or even cycling alongside me. Together, we can make a significant impact and bring hope to countless children and their families.

    Thank you for your support!

    Hello Everyone!
    Posted 71 days ago