I just raised $1,000 to fight kids' cancer and achieved WARRIOR LEVEL in the challenge! Thank you so much for your support.
July 20th - After physically(and mentally) recovering from my minor set back a couple of weeks ago, I was able to find a back-up bike… and the nerve…to get back on. New bike is too big so a bit awkward but I was still able to ride about 18kms today. I learned my lesson from last time- go early before the crowds!! Worked out much better.
Wore my shirt to try to bring some awareness(and maybe some donations!?)
After many failed attempts at taking a selfie to use for a post, I was finally brave enough to ask a nice lady to take one of me. Things you do for an important cause.
I just raised $500 to fight kids' cancer and achieved GUARDIAN LEVEL in the challenge! Thank you so much for your support.
I just raised $250 to fight kids' cancer and achieved PROTECTOR LEVEL in the challenge! Thank you so much for your support.