• 8th ride!!
    25 Aug 2024


    8th ride!!
    Posted 13 days ago
  • 7th ride!!!
    22 Aug 2024


    This was definitely the most mentally challenging ride so far in this challenge! I wanted to give up around 70kms 😅

    7th ride!!!
    Posted 16 days ago
  • 6th ride!!!!
    16 Aug 2024

    I did not beat the rain. Hahahaha


    6th ride!!!!
    Posted 22 days ago
  • 5th ride!!!
    14 Aug 2024

    Today the same person tried to run me off of Blackwell Rd two times in a 50km zone :( stay safe out there fellow cyclists! Today definitely had my heart racing.


    5th ride!!!
    Posted 24 days ago
  • 4th ride!!!
    11 Aug 2024

    That wind tried to kill me heading west today but it was soooo fun flying down Lakeshore when I was headed east!


    4th ride!!!
    Posted 27 days ago
  • 3rd ride
    7 Aug 2024


    3rd ride
    Posted 31 days ago
  • 2nd ride
    5 Aug 2024



    2nd ride
    Posted 33 days ago
  • 1st ride
    3 Aug 2024

    One ride down, many to go!!! 🤘🏻


    1st ride
    Posted 35 days ago