• 2.6k only ☔️☔️☔️
    19 Aug 2024

    So frustrating, got myself ready for a good long ride today to make up for the last few days when I’ve been hosting company. Got 2.6 K and realized the weather was not looking great, the mist was as heavy as it is over Niagara Falls some days, and as a wearer of eyeglasses, that makes riding unpleasant 😭😭😭 I shall try again later

    2.6k only ☔️☔️☔️
    Posted 41 days ago
  • Hot but breezy ride by our lake!
    14 Aug 2024

    Today marks a milestone of sorts in this challenge. Not only did some incredible donors step forward today to put me over my fundraising goal, but I also have ridden over 50% of my kilometre goal (one day before half the month is done)...

    Took a lovely ride down to Waverly Beach again. For those who know Niagara cycling trails, you know how lovely the friendship trail is, a quiet level ride with incredible views of Lake Erie. I was tired from work, but I have to admit I enjoyed every second of the ride today.

    Huge thanks again to everyone who is been cheering me on and supporting! Truly appreciated 🚴🚴🚴❤️❤️❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

    Hot but breezy ride by our lake!
    Posted 45 days ago
  • Early to rise!
    8 Aug 2024

    What do you do when you wake up at 3:30 and finally crawl out of bed at 5am? You ride, of course :-) The picture with this post is the time when I got home and decided to make a tea. The day feels half done!

    An early morning jaunt where I expected to see deer but didn’t but…instead saw a variety of bird squirrels and rabbits. The cat was really glad when I came home because she felt she should’ve been able to go out with me! The cool this morning was nice…not gonna lie, I really should’ve had my headband on to protect my ears. Note to pack that in my panier ;).

    Apologies to those who love the hot summer weather because I definitely saw signs of fall approaching today. Multiple trees and the sumac were showing signs of red. I don’t mind at all because I love fall and this ride always helps me see that it’s just around the corner!

    Early to rise!
    Posted 52 days ago
  • Introducing: “Ice Cream”
    2 Aug 2024

    Here is the little pig that’s going to help me get through the month! What a beauty, am I right? I have had the bell for at least six years and it makes that great “ding dong ice cream” sound when you ring it! I’ve had people tell me it’s the friendliest bell they’ve heard on the trail! And I finally got the friendly bike to match 🚲

    Keeping it positive is the best way to get through the month, I have found from past years in the challenge. Every bit of support, from a comment on a post to the donation of a couple of dollars, is a huge help to building a positive attitude to make it through the month! Thanks for reading and thanks for your support!

    Introducing: “Ice Cream”
    Posted 57 days ago